Thursday, June 16, 2016

Gender does not matter

On Tuesday, June 7, 2016, the AMERICAblog published an article titled ‘Why Hillary’s nomination is a historic advance for women’. The author, John Aravosis, is saying women in positions of power are still asked how they balance family and career, whereas nobody would even conceive of asking the same question of men in the same position. The young women who think they are fully empowered and fully equal – John was disagree with them because they don’t have many role model in business and still the fact that women are not earning what men is earning in the workplace. I liked the author was saying that the next generations of young women were told they were equal in every way and came to believe it.

 According to his article, John says, “I didn’t grow up female, but I did grow up gay”. However, most importantly what he really emphasizing was Hillary is a woman and based on that fact she would understand the need to have more people of color, so we should support and vote for her. He has weak evidences why Hillary’s nomination would be the historic advance for women. His credibility of the article is not clear, which equate being a gay male to being a female. I am not offending him or anything. I respect his opinion. But, it promotes the negative stereotype that gay men are effeminate and think and act like women.

And he is embarrassed about that America has never had a female leader. Hillary has been untrustworthy to Americans. For instance, this time about her support for $15 per hour minimum wage in New York. However, on November during her debate, her speaking specifically to supporting only $12 per hour. Hillary Clinton proves yet again, she cannot be trusted, her positions on important issues swing wildly from one month to the next, and she doesn’t seem to remember what her positions are when claiming issues. After hearing about this issue, I, myself, who don’t know much about the politics, was doubting about Hillary being a president. That is why we should carefully concern about voting for the president, not based on the gender whether he or she, or expectations that she would do it someday. So there is no reason to be embarrassed about that America has never had a female leader yet. If we have and want the leader who can make the America great again, it doesn’t matter whether the leader is he or she.

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